Supporters' Month 2023 Prayer Booklet Thank you for being on this Joyride with us as we work together in the gospel! Throughout October, use our daily prayer points - the prayer booklet and... more
I was born into a missionary family and spent the first 13 years of my life in Japan. So when I joined the EU I thought I knew everything there was to know about the LRLR (Less Reached Less... more
Praise God for AnCon this year! Below some students have reflected on the teaching, fellowship and sharing the Gospel that happened across the week. Thank you for partnering with us in... more
According to the Joshua Project, only 0.57% of Japan’s 123 million people are Evangelical Christians. Japan is clearly less-reached with the gospel and the church there is definitely less-resourced. For... more
It’s the final countdown. The End is here. Yes, the EU’s Annual Conference (AnCon) this year is on the theme of ‘The End’ exploring the Christian doctrine of Eschatology (what does it... more
The EU is 7 years off 100! Under God, in each generation the EU has discipled students, sent them out, and presented the gospel in relevant ways to each generation. Recently I picked up the EU history... more
The EU’s second object is this: To strengthen Christians in their faith and witness and to encourage them to continually submit every aspect of their life to the Lordship of Christ. But what does... more
A different side to EU Ministry: Life in the Postgrad and Staff Faculty As a faculty, EU Postgraduates and Staff (‘EPS’) is a bit of a mystery to many of my Howie colleagues. Our faculty... more