Impact Plus Opportunity 2021

by EU GradsFund


Giving to the EU Grads Fund has a multiplying impact on gospel mission as it releases mature Christian leaders to lead and serve across God’s church and world.

To reflect this, some generous supporters, have given us the special opportunity for all regular giving  set up during this Special Opportunity to have a greater impact- an Impact Plus. All funds go to directly support the EU Grads Fund Team.

This Impact Plus opportunity is limited and applies to all regular gifts over $600 p.a. given Thursday to Midnight Sunday (7-10th October 2021) and Monday to Midnight Wednesday (25-27 October 2021). 

Find our more below.

Event #2 Young Workers Slides Package-2

“What is Impact Plus and how does it work?”

Impact Plus:

  • Impact Plus Seeks to encourage regular giving to the EU General Fund to provide a ballast for the work of the EU Grads Fund.
  • The “General Fund” is a shared support fund that helps provide long-term Senior Staff to the campus.
  • It is a short term giving opportunity during Supporters’ Month 2021 enabled through the generosity of some EU Grads Fund supporters.
  • The two Impact Plus opportunities run from Thursday 7th – Sunday 11th October 2021 and Monday 25th to 27th Wednesday October 2021.
  • All newrenewed or “Step-Up” increases to existing regular giving to the General Fund are warmly welcomed as part of Impact Plus.
  • All regular giving or increased giving, from a minimum of $600 per annum (given at your selected giving frequency eg. monthly/quarterly/yearly), will release an Impact Plus Contribution. The Impact Plus Contribution increases according to your initial gift [See Table below]

For example, an existing supporter may increase their monthly contributions by $50 a month (totalling $600 per annum) to release an Impact Plus Contribution of an additional $400 to the EU Grads Fund.

  • Impact Plus has three gift “ranges” that release higher Impact Plus Contributions. All gifts and contributions go directly to the work of the EU Grads Fund on the ground increasing the impact of your initial giving commitment in 2021. [See Table below]
Your “Impact Plus” Gift or Increase Range “Impact Plus” Contribution Total gift to the EU Grads Fund
$600-1199 per annum $400 $1000
$1200-1799 per annum $800 $2000
$1800+ per annum $1200 $3000

*Keen to raise your support to over $5000? We would love to talk more to you about becoming a Foundation Supporter. Please make contact at



Visit  OR  See specific instructions below for New, Step-Up or Renewing givers.



Frequently Asked Questions



“I’m a new giver to the Grads Fund. How do I commence giving?”

That’s so wonderful! Welcome Aboard! You can give via Credit Card, Direct Transfer or Cheque.

For all new giving:

  1. Choose a giving method– Go now to and complete our secure Credit Card giving form, find all Direct Transfer Information or send a cheque to the EU Graduates Fund.
  2. Advise us of your gift (for Bank & Cheque payments) – Upon your first Direct Transfer or Cheque contribution, please email or call (02) 9351 7496 (during business hours) advising us of your regular gift (eg. $150 per month) and the expected regularity (eg. Monthly/quarterly/yearly).

“Dear Administrator, I would like to advise you that I have sent my first of a regular contribution to the EU Grads Fund via Direct Transfer/Cheque. This regular gift to the EU Grads Fund is for $X [amount] made every [Frequency: month/quarter/year] starting from [Date]. Please advise when you have received this first payment. Yours sincerely…”


“I’m already giving to the Grads Fund. How do I “Step-Up” my gift?”

Thankyou for your ongoing gospel partnership! You can easily extend your existing giving arrangements (see below).

If you would prefer to set up a separate gift from your existing giving, follow the “New Givers” instructions

Credit Card | If you’re already giving via Credit Card.
  1. Authorise an increase. Done!- Email or call (02) 9351 7496 (during business hours) and provide your instructions authorising an increase in your regular gift. Don’t forget to include the increase amount and regularity. Please use a recognised email address. 

“Dear Administrator, I would like to increase our regular giving to the EU Grads Fund by $[X, Include Amount] made every [Include Frequency: month/quarter/year]. Include frequency] starting from [include date or the next giving period]. I authorise an increase to our regular Credit Card payment. Yours sincerely…”

Note: No Credit Card details (eg. Account, BSB or CVV) need to be provided over email. All financial information is kept in accordance with Australian Standards and only personally authorised adjustments from a recognised email address will be made to your giving.  

Direct Transfer
  1. Amend your existing Direct Transfer giving arrangements with your bank.
  2. Advise us of the change– Email or call (02) 9351 7496 (during business hours) advising us of the change. Don’t forget to include the increase amount and regularity (eg. “Hi Ian, I have increased my giving to the EU Grads Fund via Direct Transfer with my bank. We have increased our regular gift by $X [magnitude] per month/quarter/year [regularity] starting from this month [or the next giving period]”).

 “Dear Administrator, I would like to advise you that I have amended my regular contribution to the EU Grads Fund via Direct Transfer/Cheque. This regular gift to the EU Grads Fund is for $[X, Include Amount] made every [Include Frequency: month/quarter/year]. Please advise when you have received this first payment. Yours sincerely…”



“I have given to the EU Grads Fund in the past and would like to renew my giving”


So great! Thankyou! Follow the instructions for New Givers to re-establish your regular giving to this gospel ministry.



“I need to make my gift via Phone during business hours”

No problem! Give us a call in business hours on (02) 9351 7496.



“What if I make an Impact Plus gift then have to change my giving during the year ahead?”

We understand that sometimes changes need to be made to your giving.

The Impact Plus contribution is made in anticipation of your yearly regular gift being received by the EU Grads Fund. If you need to truncate your giving commitment, then please advise us via email or call (02) 9351 7496 (during business hours). This will see the Impact Plus contribution applied pro-rata.



“Does the Impact Plus Contribution renew beyond 2021?”


The Impact Plus Contribution is a single payment connected to regular giving commitments (>$600per annum) made in Supporters Month 2021. It will go directly to the work of the EU Grads Fund, and help increase the Impact of your personal gift through the work it enables.



“Impact Plus” 
  • All regular gifts, or increases to existing giving, made in the Impact Plus opportunity period go towards our Firm Foundations campaign on a per annum (2021) basis.
  • All funds contributed in this time go towards the General Fund, supporting our long-term EU Grads Fund Staff.
  • Impact plus contribution funds are limited to a maximum of $10,000.
  • Impact plus funds will be calculated at the end of Supporters’ Month. Providing an impact beyond the Firm Foundations campaign target.


Got Further Questions regarding Impact Plus?

Please send any enquiries regarding Impact Plus to

Please send giving advice or instructions directly to

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