Welcome Week and Launching into 2023!

by EU GradsFund

Each year, the Evangelical Union awakes from its summer slumber to welcome a flood of new and returning students back onto campus. Part of this looks like three days of “Welcome Week” activities alongside the university’s orientation season, which is this week!

The students on the EU Welcome Team have spent time praying and planning to make our presence on campus publicly known, and to create opportunities to welcome everyone we come into contact with and give them the opportunity to investigate Jesus.

Over this week the EU will have a stall on the main thoroughfare on campus alongside all the other clubs and societies. EU students will be giving out free pancakes, mi-goreng and ice blocks, all whilst wearing the iconic green EU shirt. We will do all this in the hope that God might use our efforts to connect with many Christians, non-Christians, local and international students, so that they might come to know Jesus more fully.

Our week will culminate in a large union-wide gathering moment on Friday, our ‘Launch Day’. This is the EU’s first formal gathering for the year, where we hope to warmly welcome first years, newcomers and returning students. This is always a special time where students reconnect with each other, are encouraged in God’s Word and get a glimpse of what fellowship amongst God’s people on campus might be like for the coming year. The theme for this year’s Launch Day is “Thrive”, and this is exactly what we pray might be true of the students’ faith as they start the academic year, gathering together to grow and flourish in their faith in Jesus. 

We have a big week and year ahead, and we are praying that in God’s power He will bring many to come and know our Lord Jesus in 2023. Please partner with us! 

  • Pray that God might empower EU students with love and bravery to warmly welcome new and returning students at Sydney University and invite them to join the EU to discover the grace of Jesus and the joy it is to call Him Lord
  • Pray that many Christian, non-Christian, local and international students might connect with the EU over these next few weeks
  • Pray that Launch Day might be a joyful day where students get to connect and reconnect with each other and are encouraged to thrive in their journey with Jesus throughout 2023

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