Time Together: Chim Ho and the euFOCUS Family!

by EU Graduates Fund

In our faithful Father’s kindness and gracious provision, at the beginning of 2021 Chim Ho joined the euFOCUS Team as a Senior Staffworker. The whole euFOCUS community has been blessed by her love for God and people, her lively, joyful attitude and her language ability – speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese and English. Here are some of her reflections:

God always has the best plan for me! 

This is a challenging year for international student ministry but it’s also a year for me to witness His grace. 

I used to be a teacher in Hong Kong and became a Music Therapist in Australia. By God’s grace, I finished a theology degree last year. I always wanted to be a Chaplain in aged care in line with my experience in Music Therapy. However, God called me to a new ministry, a ministry which had never occurred to me in the past few years. 

He called me to come to euFOCUS to serve international students. Even though it was not in my mind during my time at Bible College, I was quite excited when I was invited to explore campus ministry. After prayer and talking to various mature Christians, I thnk serving international students is just like being a misisonary on campus. I can see there’s a huge need to share the gospel with international students at Sydney Uni. Having an experience of being an international student in Japan and Sydney, I can more easily understand their struggles. I would like to use my experience and the Word of God to teach them and practise the love of Jesus to them.  

 After four months serving at Uni, I enjoy the ministry very much! I like woring with the FOCUS team and have learned a lot from them. We’re all very different. By God’s grace, we learn how to love each other and work together. We praise God for our weakness and let one another see His strength. I realise God put me in FOCUS to act as a bridge to connect international students, particularly Asian students, to local students and culture. God uses my international student’s experience to serve international students at USYD. He also uses my language skills to serve the students. It’s very powerful when I can use their heart language to care for them and share Jesus with them. Thanks to God I also participate in a Mandarin Group and a Cantonese Group. 

 As well as serving at Come Home Dinner and Small Group Bible Studies, I’ve also been able to organise cultural social events for the students, so they can experience God’s love in the FOCUS community. There’s a student who misses yum cha a lot because that’s her familiy activity every Sunday in her home town. So we enjoyed yum cha with other FOCUS students. Also, there’s a student who would have hotpot with her parents every day in winter. So I invited them to come to my place to have hotpot. We share food together. We share Bible stories together. We also share love from our Lord Jesus!

 I’ve been especially thankful for the time Chim spends together with students, not just studying the Bible, but also around the table, sharing food together in ways which lovingly help them feel something of home. This more polychronic view of time (see the previous article) resonates with international students, as this time together forges deeper relationships, strengthening a sense of belonging, and enabling them to appreciate, understand and embrace God’s love in Jesus as they encounter it in the euFOCUS community. Sharing our lives with one another, as well as God’s gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:8). An encouraging example and challenging counterpoint to the Western cultural monochronic emphasis on efficiency.

Praise God with us for bringing Chim into the euFOCUS Team! And please pray that God would continue to work in and through her, and all of us, to love and share God’s love in Jesus, to His glory.


Chim Ho & Ben Lim

euFOCUS Staffworkers


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