The Paradox of Choice

by Caz Andrews

Psychologist, Barry Schwartz, in a fabulous TED talk, takes aim at our preoccupation with freedom of choice. He maintains that choice has not made us freer but more paralysed. Not happier but more dissatisfied.

One of the things I do as a staff worker on campus is talk to lots of people about the choices they are making about the future. There are lots of options such as going straight into the workforce; undertaking more study; doing a Howard Guinness traineeship; heading to Bible College; going travelling…

That is when paralysis sets in. With so many options people can’t choose. They fear that one choice might be better than another. They fear that they will choose the wrong one. It is similar to being in a restaurant and being afraid to choose the chicken for fear that when it arrives you will wish you had chosen the beef. But they worry it will ruin their life!

Schwartz, in his talk, proposes that the secret to happiness is having low expectations. As I talk to students, I wonder whether the Biblical answer to paralysis by choice, is being thankful and living in grace. Being thankful for the choices and options that come from living in a rich and privileged environment, where God entrusts us with real responsibility. Living in grace, as we realise that God gives us real freedom to choose jobs and life directions without guilt or regret.

It is grace that allows us to be free to make radical decisions with our lives. To serve others rather than serving ourselves, to sacrifice to the one that sacrificed for us. The answer doesn’t have to be vocational ministry, but it might be to live in a part of Sydney where our churches struggle. It might be to work in an area where Christian voices are needed but will be challenged. It might be to take two years out to serve the EU by doing the Howard Guinness Project, to be trained in how to better serve God’s church into the future.

Barry Schwartz’s Ted talk: 

If you would like to talk about making choices for the Howard Guinness Project you can contact Caz Andrews ( or Rowan Kemp (


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