Picture the contrast! A giant auditorium filled with over 600 students roaring praise and worship. A small group of students gathered around a television tuning in for a satellite watch party. Shared meals in the dining hall replaced with virtual zoom dining spaces in faculties. Virtual escape rooms and Tetris competitions instead of sporting competitions during free time. Building relationships and getting to meet new people through virtual backgrounds and online community.
Much has been said so far during Covid-19 about a new normal. Life for many of us has changed. The EU’s Annual Conference was the same. It was a new experience. A new normal.
Most importantly, God remained steadfast and unchanging.
Yet for all the ‘new’ there were so many things that remained unchanged. Over 750 students gathered over the week of Annual Conference with a shared desire to hear God’s word taught. Through the Word of God many students grew in their faith and love of God and His Kingdom, while others were able to investigate the claims of Jesus the King of God’s kingdom for the first time. Faculties spent time centred around the core aspects of the EU- its three objects. Students were encouraged to share the gospel, to gather and disciple, and challenged to have heads, hearts and hands to serve in ‘less Reached and less Resourced’ places.
Most importantly, God remained steadfast and unchanging. In God’s provision we saw 765 people gather across the week, including 176 first year students and 50 non-Christians! Over the week, four students committed their life to Jesus!!!
Many made commitments to thinking about either serving the gospel in Less Reached and Less Resourced places or thinking about vocational ministry in the future.
While it will be our hope and prayer that next year would return to a residential conference, there is no doubt that God uses all things for His glory!
Please be praying for the many who have had their lives changed by God’s word through the week of Ancon that God would continue to work powerfully in them.
Nikhil Kurien