President’s Welcome

by EU GradsFund

Dear friends, 

After the opportunity to resume on-campus ministry last year, we pray that in 2023 God blesses the EU with growing momentum as we continue to proclaim Jesus as the Lord of all. We trust He is a kind and generous Saviour, ever eager to answer our prayers. I’m so grateful that we get to partner together in His work at the University of Sydney! I thought I would share a few particular needs to be praying for as we commence 2023.

First, the EU has a year-long emphasis on reaching out with the good news across the diverse cultures God has brought to our university. Two key moments for this are the welcoming period at the beginning of semester one and the campus-wide mission we are pursuing in semester two. We would particularly love the Lord to build our relationships with international students, Muslim students, and through walk-up. Pray that many students embrace the Lord Jesus with heartfelt repentance and faith.

Second, pray that time together in the Word would bear good and abundant fruit for God. This year there has been fresh material specially designed for small group bible studies to train students under the Word. The content of Public Meetings has also been chosen so that more students encounter a greater breadth of biblical material in their time on campus. We hope this blesses students and their neighbours both now and in decades to come. We know that God’s word will never return to Him empty — it always achieves His good purposes.

Finally, please pray for the reviving work of the Holy Spirit. May He bring new life to the spiritually dead and cause us all to cling to Christ this year. These miracles come from Him alone. Ask the Lord to grow our zeal, our knowledge of Him, our renunciation of our old selves, and our joyful abandonment to His way. May this be a light that burns brightly on campus.

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers, genuine care and financial generosity. Our labours together have eternal significance. One day soon we will see Christ together in glory! How joyful it will be to worship alongside people who studied at the University of Sydney and came to love the Lord.  

Your brother in Him,


EU President 2023

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