Our God Saves

by Andrew West

Stories of God’s saving grace on campus as his Word is read

“Before I became a Christian, I felt like I was looking at the world through a microscope, but now I see the big picture”.

This is how Hilary, a first year, describes her new life since she became a Christian in October. After visiting a bible study, two of the leaders welcomed her and started reading the bible with her.  “The EU was my stepping stone to becoming a Christian”, Hilary writes. “It was a really welcoming environment”.

“I have decided to become a Christian because I believe God is the creator of all things and want to put Him at the centre of my life. There are so many things that have changed and so much happiness in my life”.

Hilary is just one of many stories of God saving people this year.

Lindsay also became a Christian earlier this year, and continued to grow through reading the bible weekly, this time with Kat Cowell (a second year apprentice).

“I remember we got to the end of a chapter, and we both just sat there in silence for a few moments, in complete awe of all the blessings we have in Jesus”, Kat writes. “To have witnessed someone processing and taking hold of these beautiful truths in the way Lindsay did has been a true privilege and joy”.

Since becoming a Christian, Lindsay has been growing, sharing the gospel, and serving at church.  “I have experienced a personality ‘overhaul’”, says Lindsay. “I now love because I know what ultimate love looks like- God sending his Son to die for me. My identity no longer stands in good grades, looks, or social life. Rather, my identity lies in the Lord”.

As God’s word is read on campus, students are being given new life! Praise God for his mercy and pray that many more would be saved!


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