I heard him talking to a group of other Muslims. He was obviously respected by them because he was helping them with arguments for the existence of God. But what I heard really interested me because he wasn’t giving usual Muslim arguments. These usually revolve around the miracle of the Quran and other such uniquely distinctive arguments to Islam. What I heard, however, was arguments normally given by Christians!
After talking to him privately he said that he found the Christian arguments for the existence of God far more convincing to his logical brain than the ones his Muslim scholars gave. In fact he was very open to exploring more about Christianity. We have many conversations since and he is drawing closer and closer to Jesus as a result.
God is bringing the nations to us in Sydney Uni. We simply have to walk the campus to fulfil the Great Commission.
Students at Uni are provided wonderful opportunities to explore new things, and like my friend, there are people from all sorts of backgrounds and faiths who are open to investigating Christianity. This is what makes the ministry at the EU so exciting. God is bringing the nations to us in Sydney Uni. We simply have to walk the campus to fulfil the Great Commission. Part of the challenge is getting the Christian students to realise this wonderful opportunity they have to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus.
Moussa Ghazal
Senior Staff
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