Evangelism – A Student’s Experience

by EU Graduates Fund

It was decided by the EU executive that 2020 would be the EU Year of Evangelism. This included students organising gospel opportunities every single week of semester.

This was the plan before Covid-19. When ministry moved online, a big question was ‘How will we continue to reach the lost with the gospel? What does evangelism look like in our current situation?’

Students have had to be innovative with how they organise gospel opportunities. Moving online has not hindered, but enhanced the learning experience gained by organising and running a gospel opportunity. We take great comfort in knowing that the gospel has continued to change and transform hearts through great trial and persecution all around the world throughout history. Such is true now, and the gospel continues to be shared by students through creative online mediums despite being unable to meet face to face.

Mikaela is a 3rd year student at the Conservatorium of Music, who recently ran an online gospel opportunity.


What opportunity did you run?

Mikaela: The Conservatorium Christian Group had come up with the idea of having a ‘board games and testimonies night’ via video call. The title is pretty self explanatory – we played board games and three of us gave our testimonies.

How did it go?

Mikaela: It went really well! Two of my non-Christian friends came. One of my friends said it was her first time hearing testimonies which was just great, and very inspiring for her. I also invited two more non-Christian friends who unfortunately weren’t able to make it.

It can be really discouraging when a friend says no to a gospel opportunity, or doesn’t show up when you expected them to. I’ve learnt how important it is not to blame that on myself, but rather to just keep praying for them, and bringing it all to the Lord, in complete dependence on Him.

What was your experience of running a gospel opportunity?

Mikaela: It really taught me that even when life doesn’t go as planned (e.g. suddenly find ourselves in a pandemic), evangelism never stops. God will always present us with new and innovative ways to spread His gospel. No roadblock that we face is ever too big for God, as He is in control of it all, and it is Him working in people’s hearts. It has been so exciting, and just such a joy, to see God changing the lives of so many people I know around me. He really is all knowing and all powerful.

Lots of people in the secular world are feeling quite lonely, sad, and helpless in a time like this. This is such a great chance to remind people that if they keep finding their identity, and relying on earthly things, they will always be let down and disappointed; but relying on God will never do that. He never fails us and never abandons us. 

I am so excited and ready for God to use me however He wants. I would just love to be involved in more gospel opportunities. The idea of organising a gospel opportunity was daunting, but now I have already done it once, I would love to run them again – for church or for EU.


Please pray for students as they continue to creatively share the gospel with their friends.

James Tugwell – Student


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