In the EU this year, we are dedicating a special year-long emphasis in equipping and encouraging students to reach out with the gospel cross culturally. God is the God of all nations, so therefore we should also be people who deeply yearn to reach all nations and to be all things to all people, so that we can win others to Christ.

CousMin usually has a slower momentum in Sem 1, with an average of 5 people signing up for the Engaging with Cousins training course, but this year we had a whopping 24 students keen to be more equipped to engage with their cousins in Semester 1. It has been extremely encouraging to see students willing to go outside the bounds of their cultural comfort zones for the sake of sharing Christ.
In God’s kindness, there are many encouraging stories of what this had looked like in the lives of students in and out of campus. Students in CousMin have been engaging with their cousins on a weekly basis by joining their events or meeting up regularly and having gracious and fruitful interfaith dialogues. Outside of campus, this year we had 16 EUers and 6 EU graduates serve in the Peace Tent ministry. God is so kind in the way He answered our prayers of who He sent into the tent. Some who were actively searching for Jesus – the Prince of Peace, to hearing for the first time that Jesus did not stay dead!

We must not underestimate the terrors that may come when dancing with other cultures. It takes humility. It takes time. It takes courage. But indeed not a courage that comes from ourselves, but all the praise to the power of the Spirit. The Spirit that we receive from God is not one of timidity, but a Spirit of power, love and self-discipline. This is what compels us to take the leap to cross cultures with the good news of Jesus Christ.
– Trish Booth, Howard Guinness Project 2022-2023
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