Changing the World Through 1-2-1 Ministry

by Laura Southam

Imagine if every Christian felt confident, equipped and passionate to read God’s word with someone else so that their lives might be changed!

This year the EU has decided to give particular energy and emphasis to encouraging and equipping students to take up opportunities to read God’s word with others 1-2-1. Part of our focus on this ministry opportunity has been one of the courses in Equip ministry training program: ‘Changing the World Through 1-2-1 Ministry’. This course gathers EUers togethers and gives them a simple and transferrable framework for opening God’s word with someone so that they might be introduced to Jesus or grow in their Christian faith, through prayer, reading the scriptures, and sharing life together.

Third year student Jess has started meeting with a friend at church who has been wrestling with some big questions about Christian living. “One of the big things I’ve been encouraged to do is be bold to talk about things beyond the superficial” says Jess. “It’s easy to pretend things are going ok, when actually life is hard or we have tough questions about God, but we don’t share that if we think no-one cares.” Jess has been spurred on to dig deep in this friendship and keep pointing her friend back to the grace of God as they read the bible together.

Tom is a second year student who has been doing this Equip course whilst reading Mark’s gospel with a school friend who is not a Christian. He said it was pretty nerve-wracking asking his friend to read Mark with him, but was blown away when he actually said yes! “When we first met it was kind of awkward and weird but it’s gotten better ever time – more honest conversations, more meaningful questions, and less awkwardness sharing about my faith in Jesus.”

It has been a huge encouragement to see students boldly asking others to read God’s word with them. It’s our prayer that God will help students take these skills and use them to change live this year and into the future: on campus, across Sydney, throughout Australia and beyond!

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