Harvesters in His Field, Project200, 9th – 10th of September 2023
“After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3 Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.” (Luke 10:1-4)

Do you see the world as Jesus sees the world? Do you have His Kingdom glasses on? If so, are you obedient to His commands?
Luke records for us how Jesus sees the world – not in geographic, political, or economic terms, but rather in a salvific sense. Jesus looks out on the world that was made through Him and for Him and sees a vast multitude of people ready to receive the good news of the coming Kingdom – a plentiful harvest. Is this how you see the world?
For all of us our Lord commands us to pray – to ask Jesus to send out workers He raises up to His harvest field, to proclaim His great news of salvation in His death and resurrection. So, will you continue to pray this prayer for more harvest workers to be raised up? For Sydney, Australia and beyond – and in particular for the Less Reached and Less resourced parts of our globe.

In our context of working in partnership with students within the EU we are very mindful that the Lord has richly blessed our city, and particularly the EU with many able and capable future leaders of His church. This is why we are committed to placing before people current gospel needs as we are aware of them, giving people opportunity to consider how they might meet these gospel needs and giving people freedom in their ministry decisions. We also continue to encourage people to consider the gospel freedoms they have and how they will be good stewards of the choices and decisions that they make. Finally, we ask people to consider what they will voluntarily sacrifice for the sake of Jesus and His kingdom.

For those who are considering the challenge to ‘Go’, and to be sent as gospel workers into Jesus’ harvest field then the EU is holding the Project200 conference on the 9-10th of September.
The program enables delegates to; consider the challenge of vocational ministry from a biblical understanding, be reminded of the global vision of the gospel, hear about the need and opportunities for vocational ministry within LRLR communities in Sydney, Australia, and the globe and, consider their desire and suitability to be employed as a life-long gospel worker. If you are someone considering becoming a gospel worker, then please consider attending.
To find out more and register for Project 200, click here.
– Paddy Benn, EU Senior Staff