100 Days of Service

by James Mittelstadt

At the end of the year, the students finish exams and look forward to one hundred (100!) days of holidays before the next year’s study begins. For some this means hours of video gaming. For others, this means experiencing the world by holidaying overseas. For some this means time to earn cash from part-time work. But for many EU students, summer is an opportunity to join a less-reached, less-resourced Summer Mission team.

Why would anyone do this? Why would someone give up part of their precious 100 days to tell other people about Jesus?

It would be more fun to play video games.

It would be more financially rewarding to work that summer job.

It would be more impressive to tell people you went backpacking overseas than to tell them you went evangelising in rural NSW.

So why do we encourage students to do something that seems so foolish in the eyes of the world?

Because ultimately we want to cultivate servant-hearts in our students. Students who see their mission in life to be givers and not takers (for the gospel). Students whose hearts have been captivated by Jesus’ example and who want to lay down their life(styles) so that others will have the opportunity to know Him.

Jesus said:

‘’For the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” -Mark 10:45

We’ve been encouraging students to think about how they can use their 100 days of summer not for themselves, but for others. How are you planning to use your summer?

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