Sharing Jesus with the Health Community

by EU GradsFund

Two of the Christian girls in speech pathology told me about a lecture they had in their first week back on campus. The lecturer started talking about values and beliefs. The girls prodded each other – this was the kind of language we’d used in an evangelism course last year. A minute later the lecturer decided to hand the mic around to the whole lecture theatre, and told the students “Now we’re all going to share what our values and beliefs are”. Oooft! Slightly shocked, they stared wide eyed at each other. “We should say something about being Christian! I’ll share if you will!”

After the lecture another student came up to them and told them she was a Christian too, and that it was very encouraging to hear she wasn’t the only one. Praise God for how these girls were able to spur each other on as Christians in their course. Pray that they can be a light this year to non-believers in their cohort, and that at least one person from their year will come to know God.

Over Easter, the health faculty handed out hot cross buns in the health building and engaged in chats about Jesus. Here is a little bit about it from one of the EU students who ran the stall…

“The event overall was an encouraging story actually! It really showed that using these events as tools for evangelism works well because those who lined up in the queue were not afraid and didn’t shy away from gospel conversations! There were Catholics, Christians and Atheists who were present and who happily answered our little activity questions. A lot of people didn’t really know the true meaning of Easter and why it’s celebrated, but they walked away with a much better understanding.
I would say that this event showed the students in Health that the EU exists and we are a Christian society. Our prayer is that this will mean in future we can have more intentional conversations with our classmates.”

Please continue to pray for more evangelistic opportunities and that many souls might be saved amongst the Health Community as the semester comes to a close.

– Phoebe Barnes, Howard Guinness Project 2022-2023

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