Reaching International Students with the Gospel

by EU Graduates Fund

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

– Matthew 28:19-20

God in His kindness, graciously invites us to share in Jesus’s mission of bringing the gospel to people from all nations. It is such a privilege and great joy for me to be able to work alongside many servant hearted local and international students in euFOCUS; to learn, grow, and serve together as we share in this mission.

Many international students who come to Sydney struggle with their studies, family’s expectations, and difficulties of adapting to this new environment. Yet as we faithfully bring the gospel and God’s word to them, build relationships and share our lives with them, love and care for them; we see students’ lives being transformed by Him. God is the one who is at work in people’s hearts, and He works in His time. Some seeds that are sown take quick root, but others years and years to grow, and in His mercy eventually produce fruit. In His gracious kindness, He has allowed me to see some of this fruit through the international student ministry on campus. I am so deeply thankful for this, because it is such great joy and encouragement to see and share in the journey of students coming to faith. From having never heard the gospel, to starting to read the Bible and investigate who Jesus is; from doubting and disagreeing with the Bible, to reflecting and gradually accepting God’s word; from not believing in Jesus, to following him; from being interested in Western culture and joining a small group, to desiring God’s word; from being a non-Christian participant, to a Christian who desires to serve and share the gospel with others. Praise God for all His amazing work!

It is estimated that around 27,000 international students are at Sydney University this year. I pray that God would raise up more and more workers for this abundant harvest field; that they, like me, may be greatly encouraged by God as they share in Jesus’s mission.

By Jessica Liang

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