This year the EU launched a new faculty for nursing students at the Mallet St campus. There was great excitement when they reached 216% of their AnCon attendance target, with 26 nursing students. Here are some of their stories:
“I was overjoyed by the passion awaken amongst nursing students for evangelism and a new awareness of their responsibility to tell their friends about Jesus. At AnCon, students spent time planning evangelistic opportunities for EU’s upcoming ‘Is Jesus …?’ festival. Some people suggested hosting picnics in the park to have intentional gospel conversations with friends. Others have organised to conduct an interview with a pain doctor and specialist nurse, about their work in health care and how their faith affects their careers.” – Bill Ford, Howie in the nursing faculty.
“My highlight during AnCon was building relationships with other students who are heading in the same direction as me. To know that we can support each other now but also as we head out into our future careers as nurses.” – Brittany Hammond, third year student.
“I was struck by the talks, that we are adopted into God’s family and God loves us as much as he loves Jesus, his own Son who died to save us. AnCon was an important time to solidify our faculty because it can be hard for us to meet up during the semester. So, to have a week together allowed us to grow closer as a community. It was awesome to be reminded that God desires unity among his believers.” – Hamish Sullivan, third year student.
“At first, I didn’t want to come to AnCon. But the talks were really relevant and I now feel prepared and convicted to talk to my friends about issues of humanity. I also want to go back to my church, to help encourage a culture of love and support.” – Joy Nham, first year student.
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