This morning we wrapped up the ‘Teaching The Bible’ (TTB) course for bible study leaders. One student reflected that, over the past 13 weeks, they had most valued growing sensitive to what a Bible passage meant in its original context, and what ‘timeless truth’ God is speaking today to us.
I’ve often heard from graduates that EU leader training is one of the best things offered to Christian students in the EU. Rarely available from churches or colleges, TTB (and similar courses) help Christians reflect biblically and theologically on their small group leadership week to week, with support from staff. Trained students can then take what they’ve learned to lead with greater maturity at church, youth groups and other ministries for the rest of their lives.
During COVID-19 season, students have had to grapple with how to love others amidst isolation and anxiety, and hold to our sure hope in Christ’s promises.
By helping students mature in teaching and explaining the bible and theology, particularly during these uncertain times, EU students grow in biblical and theological maturity for future challenges. Another student invited her faculty to an Evangelism Training Summit (another EU training opportunity) and her invitation was rooted in theological reflection:
“It can be hard to share the gospel with friends that feel no need for it personally. The Evangelism Training Summit helped us understand the “why” behind apathy, a theological understanding of the issue and practical ways to break that barrier so they can hear and respond to the gospel.”