Flooding the Church

by Bethany Utber

We hope and pray that as students are sent out from the EU, flooding Churches across the globe, that they will be a blessing to these churches for the rest of their lives

The EU Graduates Fund exists so that it might be a blessing to God’s worldwide Church. It wants to FLOOD the Church with capable Christian leaders, and  one of the key ways that this vision is executed is through raising up Bible teachers.


Many students in the EU serve each other by undertaking what is called ‘Assistant Small Group Leader Training’ (ASGLT). This is a course that involves one hour per week of off-the-job training; and one hour per week of on-the-job training where the ASGLs lead a first-year small group, alongside a staff worker, and get to have a go at leading studies.


You might wonder what happens after one year of training? Is it actually useful in the long-term? Many students choose to continue on and lead a senior small group, where they still receive fortnightly training. Many students also go on to lead Church Bible studies.


We believe this training is formative for students, not only for developing practical and pastoral skills; but also for developing their theological understanding of how the Bible fits together, and that teaching it is a serious responsibility.


Tim Lihou, a graduate who took on this training opportunity as a student, testifies to its long-term benefit:


“I currently lead a Bible Study group at St Barnabas Anglican Church, Broadway and the small group leaders training I received through the EU was instrumental in developing the skills to lead a bible study. In particular, the practical training in group dynamics, sitting under someone more experienced, is something that I am very thankful for. ASGLT equips students to go and lead in many settings in the future.”


This year there are 91 students doing ASGLT with an additional 88 gaining experience through senior small group leading. We hope and pray that as they are sent out from the EU, flooding Churches across the globe, that they will be a blessing to these churches as biblically and theologically mature Christian leaders for the rest of their lives.

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