Each week a small group of students meet together, pray, encourage each other and then split into pairs and go and start spiritual conversations with strangers all over campus. I’m so amazed that God has set these students’ hearts on fire with bravery, love and wisdom as they have these conversations. Thanks to God this year’s weather has been beautiful and the post-covid vibes on campus have meant for so many students sitting on the grass happy to engage in conversation.

My favorite story from this year so far is A and T walked up to L and invited her to Come Home Dinner, our weekly international student dinner. She shared that 5 people had walked up to her during her time in Sydney asking if she knew about Jesus. She wasn’t that interested at the start but her curiosity for the gospel grew. After coming to Come Home Dinner she began reading the bible with A.
She has a wide range of questions about who Jesus is, why he came to earth, why Christians follow him and what sin is. They are now half way through the gospel of Mark and she is open to visiting a local church. Pray that she might continue to grow in her understanding of Jesus.

I have 43 other stories from students who have enthusiastically messaged to each other after each week! To give you a taste, 3 of those are with students from Buddhist backgrounds, 10 are Chinese international students, 3 are European exchange students, 3 are from Orthodox religious backgrounds, 2 had New Age beliefs, 4 had negative experiences with the church, 3 had never heard about Jesus before and 2 were actively seeking a relationship with God. There is such a diversity of students on campus, many who are interested in hearing real stories about Jesus.
Praise God for students who are willing to give up time and share about Jesus on campus. Please pray for the diverse needs of the students on campus and wisdom to engage them with Jesus.
– Anna Beaver, EU Senior Staff
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